Wash and sanitize your equipment prior to beginning. Follow instructions on your pack of PBW sanitizer on mixing and get a good home brew book to guide you on sanitation. Mix a small batch of PBW sanitizer in a stainless steel bowl following the instructions on your PBW packet.
You don't need to use the entire packet of PBW for these first steps. Save some for steps further down the line and for future batches of home brew!
FAQ: What is the difference between washing and sanitizing?
Heat 3⁄4 gallon of water in your washed brew pot to 160°F then turn off the heat.
Pour your grains into your grain bag, close the bag and soak in the water at 150 °F for 40-60 minutes. Make sure all of the grains are submerged in the water. The longer you soak the grains the stronger tasting your beer will be.
Keep the water temperature at 150°F. You may need to turn the heat back on temporarily to do so.
In your second washed pot, heat 3/4 gallon of water to 170°F.
After your grains have soaked, lift the grain bag over your brew pot (you can use a colander to do this) and open the bag exposing the grains.
Pour the 3⁄4 gallon of 170 °F water over the grains (grab a friend to help!), washing the fermentables out into your brew pot. This is now called your wort.
Squeeze the bag to get as much of the remaining liquid from the grains as you can into your brew pot. Be careful it’s hot!
TIP: Feed your "spent grains" (leftover soaked grains) to your chickens or add them to your compost pile!
Bring the wort to a rolling boil (the wort is boiling rapidly with lots of bubbling).
At a rolling boil add 5 grams of Wakatu hops (bittering) and boil for 40 minutes. Each section of hop pellets in the kit is 5 grams.
After 40 minutes add 5 more grams of Wakatu hops (flavor) and the Irish moss flakes. Boil for 15 minutes.
After that 15 minutes add the remaining 5 grams of Wakatu hops (aroma) and boil for 5 minutes. Turn the heat off.
Cool the wort rapidly by surrounding your pot in an ice bath (in a sink works great). With your stainless steel spoon, stir continuously until the wort comes to 65 °F-75 °F. The faster you cool the worth here, the less chance there is for contamination.
SAFETY NOTE: Sanitation becomes extremely important at this point. These steps are considered “after the boil”. Any equipment that touches your brew after it has been boiled should be both washed and sanitized using your PBW sanitizer solution.
Transfer the chilled wort to your sanitized 1-gallon glass jug using your sanitized funnel. There is no need to strain the wort.
Add 1⁄2 the yeast packet directly into the jug, put on your sanitized cap and shake to dissolve the yeast and add oxygen to your brew. Store the other half of the yeast packet in the refrigerator for a later batch of home brew.
During the boil you may have experienced some (or a lot!) of evaporation. Fill the remainder of your jug with room temperature (65°F-75 °F) spring water to make up 1 gallon. (The “ONE-GALLON” stamped on the jar marks the 1 gallon point).
NOTE: If you are on city water, do not use tap water for this step. Chlorinated water can affect the taste of your final brew.
Follow these steps exactly to avoid your stopper falling into your jug.
This allows your beer to “burp” for one week and will prevent messy explosions. This is called “off gassing”. You may need to use a rubber band or some tape to hold the tubing inside the jar if it seems to be popping out on its own.
Stick the thermometer on the outside of your bottle towards the middle so you can monitor the temperature. Ferment in a cool, dark place for 1 week at 60°F-70 °F.
After one week of your beer off gassing into the jar, you may add your airlock. Remove the plastic tubing from the rubber stopper and sanitize (the stopper) again.
Insert your sanitized airlock into the sanitized rubber stopper, then place both into the opening of the jug. You must fill the airlock with PBW sanitizer solution first.
Ferment in a cool, dark place for one more week at 60°F-70 °F.
Sanitize 10 bottles and caps, your Autosiphon, bottle filler and plastic tubing, and a funnel.
Boil your corn sugar in 1/2 cup of water for 5 minutes in a small saucepan to dissolve.
Cool the sugar solution to 70 °F and poor into your 1 gallon jug of beer using your funnel. Gently swirl to mix well. Try not to disturb the sediment in the jar too much.
Attach one end of your plastic tubing to the AutoSiphon and one end to your bottle filler. Place the tip of the bottle filler inside your first bottle.
Place the rubber end of the AutoSiphon into the 1-gallon jug of finished home brew. If the sediment on the bottom of your jug is higher than the rubber at the bottom of the AutoSiphon, hold the bottom of the siphon in the clear portion of the beer to start as illustrated on the AutoSiphon instructions.
Follow instructions on the AutoSiphon and bottle filler to fill bottles.
TIP: It is good to practice this with water first before trying with your beer to avoid wasted brew.
Cap immediately to avoid contamination. Follow instructions on bottle capper.
Store the bottled beer at room temperature (70 °F) for the first few days, then in a cool dark place (55°F-65 °F) for 1-3 weeks. Your beer is ready to drink when it is clear and nicely carbonated. Enjoy!
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