Fermented Lemon Lavender Fizz

What You'll Need

  • measuring cups and spoons
  • half-gallon jar with lid
  • strainer or cheesecloth
  • canning funnel
  • bottling funnel
  • air tight bottles for storage
  • 6 cups water
  • 1/2 cup raw honey
  • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons fresh or dried lavender flowers
  • 1 lemon, sliced into 1/4” rounds
Lemons and lavender do something magical together, like a couple whose eccentricities complement each other perfectly. Lemon is tart and sharp; lavender is flowery and old-fashioned. They both have a faint note of bitterness, good for digestion. Honey suits them both, mellows and marries them, in this probiotic quencher for all seasons. Lightly carbonated from a short period of natural fermentation, this drink may contain a very small amount of alcohol, depending on the vigor and duration of the ferment. It’s meant mostly, though, as a tonic for digestion, and as an energizing and uplifting beverage for all occasions. Lavender has a reputation for soothing anxiety and tension, calming and uplifting the senses through smell and taste. Adapted from Recipes from the Herbalist's Kitchen: Delicious, Nourishing Food for Lifelong Health and Well-Being.


Combine the water, honey, vinegar, lavender, and lemon in a large half-gallon jar.
combine in jarScrew the lid on tightly, and shake until the honey is dissolved.
shake until dissolvedLoosen the lid so that the seal is only finger-tight, and set the jar aside at room temperature to ferment, out of direct sunlight, for 2 days.
fermentTo create carbonation, you must bottle the lemonade in an air-tight container. After 2 days, strain out the lavender and lemon. strain liquidTransfer the liquid to swing-top glass bottles or a clean 1/2 gallon jar, leaving about 1/2” headroom in each bottle or jar. Secure the lids tightly.
store in jarSet the bottles aside in a cool dark place to ferment for 3 days. Test every day after the second day, to monitor how much carbonation has built up; how fast the carbonation builds up depends on temperature and the activity of natural yeasts, which can vary widely. If the soda is still not carbonated to your liking, secure the air-tight lid and continue fermenting till the desired carbonation is reached.
enjoyOnce the soda has reached the desired level of carbonation, transfer the bottles to the refrigerator. The cold temperatures will slow the fermentation and keep the carbonation at relatively stable levels.

Over to You

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