And then suddenly it was spring. Deep and luscious and wild spring, lush with bloom and leaf. Not the pale, delicate first tendrils of spring, but a kind of organic explosion, fueled by rains and sunshine and the cabin-fever of thousands of gardeners, bees and flowers. The bare-root trees started blooming before their roots had even found soil; the bees filled their honey supers in a week, and the store was a steady stream of gardeners and farmers and dreamers. In the garden, peas thickened in their pods, and fennel bulbs swelled above the soil. Weeds shot up and seeded like only weeds can do. A tub of rainwater left in the garden sprouted tadpoles, who grew legs before our very eyes. And tomato starts arrived in the nursery! (Don’t worry, it’s not really time to plant them yet.) After the long rains and the thick mud and the gray winter, though, we can feel the momentum building, like a storm of flowers and first fruits. We’re as ready as we’ll ever be!
Our bodies, too, dear creatures of the earth that they are, are ready for the change of season. As the weather warms, and the time change settles out, we seem to crave less of the heavy, nourishing foods of winter. We’re not hunkered down anymore, we’re up and out in the world, digging and turning over new ground, smelling the wild flowers and feeling the pulse of fresh possibility. As such, the foods we prepare are lighter; still nourishing, but less weighty in the gut, to keep us light on our feet and full of energy to expend in the work that lies ahead. Whatever gardens we tend, be they metaphor or a loamy patch of growing ground, spring is singing in our veins, and the veins of every living thing around us; plant, insect, and animal. You can feel it on your skin, you can smell it in the air. You can taste the season on your tongue.
Spring snacks! Garbanzo beans, in their dried form, can be considered seasonal fare throughout the year, depending how they are prepared. Here, sprouted and awakened by a long soak, they reflect the season outside, sprouting with new life and energy for growth. Eat ‘em with carrot sticks, eat ‘em with pita…
Or eat ‘em with these substantial dipping darlings, made from rye flour and fresh ground seeds, sweetened by a single tablespoon of honey.
For a more substantial springtime meal to follow the snacks above, consider these.
Green spears of spring, revisited.
Nothing spells spring like asparagus, amirite? Unless it’s the fever that spikes when a gardener sees the first tomato starts in the nursery.
It’s spring in the kitchen, it’s spring in the air, and it is spring in the hive! For those beginning or expanding their beekeeping operations, there are some important dates coming up. April 23rd and 30th are the nuc pickup dates. We will be sending an email with pick up instructions to all those who pre-ordered nucs. The bees want to get settled into their new locations as early in the morning as possible, so make sure your equipment is painted, placed, and ready for bees!
If you prefer metalworking to bees (or heck, if you like 'em both!) you may want to check out a new class we have on offer. We are so happy to be working with our dear friend, neighbor, and inspiration, Yori Seeger, a collaboration that's been years in the works. The first few metal-working classes have gone off splendidly, so we are adding more! The latest is a class on April 29; Beginning Mokume Gane. Register online to reserve your space; the classes are small and they fill up fast.